Sweet Reaper for Razorcake

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My friend, Rosie Gonce, did this awesome interview with the band Sweet Reaper for Razorcake Magazine over the summer, and I was so honored she asked to use my photographs! I always love being able to contribute to Razorcake, and seeing my photos in print still gets me all giddy.

Not to mention the article is great. Rosie has a great way of directing the conversation in such an entertaining way, as opposed to just asking questions out right. It was just a nice, smooth read; I felt like I was hanging out with Sweet Reaper while reading it (which is what you’d want for an interview — I’d assume).

Obviously, I don’t want to talk too much about the content of the magazine because I want you to pick up an issue for yourself!

Sidekick by Sweet Reaper, released 25 July 2018 1. Reapers Back 2. Sidekick 3. Isle of Life 4. Tapey 5. Black Widow 6. Doomsday Clock 7. Outta My Mind 8. Spaceship 9. Same Old Thing 10. Jet Pilot

I love these photos and I LOVE Sweet Reaper. I’ve written about them for Razorcake before too (just a quick photo column)

Definitely check them out if you’re into a surfy/ low-fi/ beach punk vibe

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One of the best parts about having photographed so many cool bands over the years, is that the photos never die. It’s pretty beautiful how seeing old photos resurge in new media and reliving all the memories that come with them. The photos I sent in were shot at the late Pomona DIY venue, VLHS — which brings back plenty of memories in itself — but looking through the photos, you can always see some homies in the background. Just in these above, I saw Brittany and Gabe from The Stupid Daikini and our friend Marty Ploy. That’s probably why that wave of memories came in so hard: these photos totally captured how cool that scene was.


Read the full interview in the latest issue of Razorcake Magazine! Check your local record store, or click HERE to order directly from Razorcake.org.


“If there’s one thing that could be telling about the music of Sweet Reaper, it would be how they are particularly appealing to young children. I have always thought of children as having a sixth sense for judging character and goodness. And, I believe, that is exactly why children are drawn to the music of Sweet Reaper. That, and Sasha’s drumming, which both bounces along and drives the song so prominently but not overbearingly. They have an eclectic taste in music which makes their sound very accessible and liked by many, including bands who seek them out to support their shows and to add their mellow vibes and positive attitudes. They’re the perfect combination of humor and real talent.

I like to think of them as “beach punks,” not only because of what I know about their personalities, but also because if you like punk music, then this is the perfect soundtrack for you for when you’re just hanging out at the beach drinking a brew in the sunshine.” –Rosie Gonce


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