Oh Baby! My Greatest DIY Project Yet
Our family is growing! Sweet baby boy is due Sept. 2021
15 Weeks. Photos by Jen Smith
We’re having a baby!!!! Bruno and I are so blessed to be starting this journey into parenthood together, I really feel like this is what I’ve been made to do.
At this point I am 21 weeks along which is passed the half-way point. It’s crazy how time is moving so fast right now; and so slow as I wait in excitement to meet this baby whom I already love. With about 4 months left (and body getting bigger and more exhausted by the day), I’m taking this time to prepare the apartment for this new little addition. Let’s Make a Deal is on hiatus for the summer and I chose not to pick up another show in the downtime, so I am home for this time and trying to get my “nesting” in early. I’ll be going back to work later this summer when LMAD picks back up for a few weeks before I take maternity leave. So far, my father-in-law has been fixing up our bathroom, and we’ve moved some furniture around and out of my “office” — our second bedroom will now become the nursery (I’m typing this at my desktop computer which now lives in my living room). But that room also used to home all of my art supplies, camera equipment and storage, plus Bruno’s music equipment which I can’t even keep track of. I’ve been trying to Marie Kondo the shit out of that room. Nothing in there brings me as much joy as thinking about my little baby.
I’m so excited to be starting on this adventure with my best friend. We’re gonna rock this parenting thing.